v8.2.0 | Released - 9th March 2022

v8.2.0 - Released - 9th March 2022

Limecube Release

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of improvements in Limecube, new features, security updates, and some bug fixes.


  • Expanded schema allowed to be placed into the headers text area.
  • Improvements to header background and CTA colours for working with the colour palette based on a range of scenarios, taking away extra work for a user.
  • Shape dividers had flip and invert added to the functions of each shape allowing for more flexibility in their design.
  • More help tips added on first time opening of key elements to help make it easier to understand key functions of elements.

Registration Wizard

We're really excited to have added a new feature to the signup process whereby a user enters some basic information, and their home page is automatically written for them with our AI writer. It also incorporates a colour palette tool. Both of these features can be selected while the site is being built saving significant time in the setup of a new website.

Box Icons

Icons are now available within boxes. There is a selection of over 1,700 icons to choose from.

Learn more here.

Page Speed Improvements

We implemented some page speed improvements, increasing visible page load time for many sites by 1-2 seconds (bringing these down to around 1 second load time), improvements in largest content paint, and some google page speed insight scores.

Strengthen Your Startup’s Presence: Building an Effective Brand Identity.

Neglecting the planning stage Source: (Smashing Magazine, 2021)1 URL: https://www.smashingmagazine.c.....
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AI and Customer Service: A Game-Changer for Small Businesses.

Neglecting the planning stage Source: (Smashing Magazine, 2021)1 URL: https://www.smashingmagazine.c.....
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