Schema Markup – Digital Marketing Guide | Limecube

Schema Markup

Schema markup language is structured data in the code of websites that tells Google and other search engines more about the page's content. This code generates enhanced descriptions or 'rich snippets' in search engine results pages (SERPs).

By adding schema markup to your pages, you can influence how they appear on Google and other search engines to make them more informative and appealing for users and improve SEO. is the home of schema markup. A collaborative project by Google, Bing and Yahoo, the website provides the full set of code markers that can be entered into the HTML of pages to enhance your search results, recognized by the major search engines.

See the full list of schema markup

Types of Schema

Most websites can benefit from adding schema markup to pages, though some industries benefit more than others. Some of the most common types of schema used are:

  • Business name, address and contact information
  • Product details, such as price and availability
  • Profiles of the writer or other people mentioned on the page
  • Review stars for products and services
  • Date and venue details for events
  • Artist, title and other information for music and video listings

Each schema category has multiple properties that can be used to describe different aspects of the listing. We recommend you tag as many of these properties as you can to make your content as rich as possible.

Schema and SEO

Adding schema markup to your pages makes them stand out in search results more than plain text and presents some of the key information at a glance. This enhanced visibility increases click-through rates and improves the user experience, which is now an important ranking factor for Google's search algorithm.

One study found that pages with schema markup ranked four positions higher than those without. The majority of websites still don't use schema markup, so doing so could give you an edge over your competitors. We recommend testing different types of markup so you can see how your results appear and compare their success.

Generating Schema

Schema markup can be entered manually from lists at or you can use a schema generator to create the right HTML code you need. This should be entered in the relevant section of your page to make sure it's recognized by search engines. If you're not comfortable editing HTML, there are also widgets you can use to generate schema code automatically.

After adding schema to your page, you can test that it's working properly using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool.

For a list of schema generators and more tips for using schema markup on your website, visit the Limecube Support Centre.

Takeaway Bullets

  • Schema markup helps your results stand out on the major search engines
  • Adding schema markup can improve SEO and click-through rates
  • provides the full list of markup language currently in use
  • Each type of schema has multiple properties
  • Most websites don't use schema markup
  • Markup code can be entered manually or using a schema generator
  • Test that your markup is working and try out different properties for the best results

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