Off-page SEO | Limecube

Off-page SEO

The factors that play into what makes your search engine presence pop go beyond what’s happening inside of your content’s digital home. While on-page SEO is all about the construction of your website, off-page SEO relates to what's going on outside of your website to give it more digital presence.

Buckle Down on your PageRank Scores and Domain Authority (DA)

Sergey Bin and Larry Page did a great service to the digital marketing world by creating the PageRank score . While its not indicative of overall website SEO, PageRank score is a valuable measure of individual page quality. Much like ICE, your PageRank is a score from 1 to 10. There are 249 other ways that Google judges the quality of your website, but your PageRank score is one of the 250 things that it definitely pays most to pay attention to.

You’ll also want to make sure to pay attention to Domain Authority (DA)[1], which is what most SEOs use as the primary metric to gauge their overall SERP ranking.

Guest Post for Greater Exposure

So, what can we actually do to meet the search engine algorithm’s standards for natural link-building? To start, one of the most effective, natural ways to build natural links to use guest blog posts. If you contribute high-quality content to other websites that also make a strong case for their quality to the search engines, you’ll be in a great shape to succeed.

Mark your Guest Post Promotion Hotspots

Apart from guest blogging on high-quality websites, you could also look to social media channels as a strong place for links back to your content to get planted. Even though they'll mostly be "nofollow" links, getting links from social media can still be very good for your off-page SEO presence. Heavier discussion surrounding your digital footprint can very easily lead to a much bigger chance of representation on more high-profile content generating websites down the line.

Never Neglect your Good Guest Posting Parameters

Now when it comes to guest posing, there’s a certain set of best practices to keep in mind at all times. A website that you leave guest posts on should commit just as much to unique and relevant content just as much as your own. Naturally, the website that your guest posts reside in should actually be related to your niche.

Put Focus on Making Relationships Flourish

You don’t have to stop your off-page SEO campaign at guest posting. You could benefit in a tremendous way by building strong relationships with reliable influencers who may become invested in helping you out. Just by making natural connections with other professional people in your field who share your vision, natural links back to your content can wind up simply be a symptom of keeping good company.

Manage your Reputation Thoroughly

One of the most easily overlooked aspects of off-page SEO is the state of yours and your website’s online reputation. If there’s nothing else that stunts your off-page SEO potential out of nowhere, it’ll be an unflattering search result that comes up whenever your name or business gets typed into Google.

You may not always be at fault when it comes to the kinds of things that may pop up when it comes to your search engine presence, but you do want to be aware of them. In fact, you might even be able to get some of the things that could do the most potential damage scrubbed out.

Pursue Good Press Relentlessly

Finally, don’t ever underestimate the power of actively creating more opportunities for your brand to earn positive reviews and good press. Don’t be afraid to get yourself out there and get actively engaged in meaningful discussions about the state of the industry.

Establish yourself as a responsive thought leader in the industry. When the energy that you invest in engaging your target market comes back to you, your strength in the search engine results will follow!

Complement On-Page with Equal Off-Page SEO

Now while on-page and off-page SEO may sound like antonyms, they’re far from being direct opposites of one another. Strong on-page SEO can lead to strong off-page SEO (and vice versa) when other webmasters discover your website and link to it as an authoritative source of information.

Even if you tend to lean more strongly toward one camp than another, it definitely doesn’t hurt to have your hands in both pies when it counts. No matter what the nature of whatever your product or service actually is, you'll have a much better rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) when your off-page SEO is strong.

Plant Numerous Off-Page SEO Seeds that Point to Your Root Content

The more off-page SEO juice that you have, the greater potential reach you'll have into all the places on the internet that you want to be seen. Building strong off-page SEO means expertly dispersing the “seeds” of your content a vast range throughout the “soil” of the places online that your target prospects are most likely to visit.

When these seeds start to flourish as people in your target market encounter, they can follow a clear pathway to naturally discover your original website as the “root” source.

Don’t Waste Time with Self-Destructive Shortcuts

Once upon a time, you could build plenty of links back to your content by using blog directories and article directories. Just by throwing the URL onto a big digital promotion conveyor belt, you could basically wind up with more off-page SEO than you could possibly drink for practically nothing at all.

You could also build links by mass-posting on forums with a signature that gave people the opportunity to visit your website. You could almost consider it the online version of driving a van with advertisement door decals down the highway; despite the silliness of that metaphor, it actually worked. The slow-loading Wild West of the early internet was simply a different time.

Today, it's not nearly as good of an idea to try tricking the search engine with cute little link building tricks like that. Nobody could fault you for your ingenuity if you tried, but nobody else would be able to take the blame when Google would inevitably put its hammer down on your search engine ranking.

Respect Search Engine Algorithms’ Savviness

In the current digital marketing era, search engines are ten times savvier to the simple blackhat cons that used to help people slide under the radar without even writing a single line of code. While in the past bad backlinks would have been ineffectual at worst, in the current post-Google Penguin world, bad backlinks could see your site disappear completely from Google altogether.

If you want to stand any chance at getting off-page SEO today, the links that lead to your website need to be natural. We can’t rely on simply blog link factories to do all the heavy lifting for us. If you try to build up links with anything that even vaguely has the scent of being artificial, you can count on your SEO progress getting stopped cold in its tracks before you can even blink.

Takeaway Bullets

  • Complement On-Page SEO with Equal Strong Off-Page SEO
  • Buckle Down on your PageRank Score
  • Make Multiple Off-Page Pathways
  • Don’t Invest in Dead, Self-Destructive Methods
  • Respect Search Engine Algorithms’ Savviness
  • Guest Post for Greater Exposure
  • Mark your Guest Post Promotion Hotspots
  • Never Neglect your Good Guest Posting Parameters
  • Put Focus on Making Relationships Flourish
  • Manage Your Reputation Thoroughly
  • Pursue Good Press Relentlessly

Resources of Note

[1] “What is Domain Authority? - Learn SEO.” Moz,

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