v7.5.1 | Released - 29th June 2021

v7.5.1 - Released - 29th June 2021

Limecube Release

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of improvements in Limecube, security updates, website speed improvements and some bug fixes.

Auto notification tips

We are starting to introduce auto notification tips for key places in Limecube to help guide our users, as well as let them know about certain features they may not be aware of. These tips only show once, until your browser cache is next cleared.

Buttons element

We have completely rebuilt the buttons element with the aim of simplifying how a button is setup, as well as starting to provide more styles of buttons.

Existing buttons can still be edited using the old options, however they will no longer be available to be added to the page. If you wish to use the new button style, this is done by going to: Elements > Buttons

Blog Improvements

Categories and tags can now be pushed to the Blog menu. This is a manual action required by a user. By default they do not show under the blog menu.

Learn more about the blog here.


Header layout changes no longer save on apply. Now, these will only save when clicking the save button in the top right corner of the page editor.

Popup Manager - New Feature

The Popup Manager is designed for having site wide popups on your site.

These can either be a general popup, or an important popup that requires a user to agree to the contents of the popup before they can proceed to the website.

Learn more about the new Popup Manager here.

Strengthen Your Startup’s Presence: Building an Effective Brand Identity.

Neglecting the planning stage Source: (Smashing Magazine, 2021)1 URL: https://www.smashingmagazine.c.....
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AI and Customer Service: A Game-Changer for Small Businesses.

Neglecting the planning stage Source: (Smashing Magazine, 2021)1 URL: https://www.smashingmagazine.c.....
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