v7.4.0 | Released - 24th February 2021

v7.4.0 - Released - 24th February 2021

1 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering smaller improvements in Limecube as well as 1 larger new primary features and some bug fixes.

New Image Element

We have released a brand new element just for images. This element has the ability within the page to crop and move the image around within the image frame to show the exact part of the image you want without requiring other image editing tools.

Phase 2 will including separate image editing for mobile only.

Click here to learn more about the new image element.

Pre-filled Sections

There were improvements to pre-filled sections including new section options added.

Click here to learn more about pre-filled sections.

Other improvements

  1. Domains now show 10 results in the suggested list of similar domains.
  2. There were over 50 small UX/UI improvements to the admin interface.

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