v7.3.3 | Released - 27th January 2021 | Limecube

v7.3.3 - Released - 27th January 2021

2 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering smaller improvements in Limecube as well as 2 larger new primary features.

Support Help Additions

The support centre is not available directly from within Limecube's page editor for most features. These are found via the small green circled help icon within the page editor and have a popup with the full support articles to help use Limecube.

We'll continue to expand where these appear over various releases.

Pre-filled Sections

This is a new major function to Limecube we are very excited about, as it now makes building a page in Limecube much faster and easier. Pre-populated sections are sections that already have pre-filled layouts with different elements.

These are something we will continue to add to.

Click here to learn more about pre-filled sections.

Other improvements

  1. Section function Icons have been moved from the bottom centre of a section to the top left of each section for improved UX (user experience).
  2. Sections also now have a border around them when working to make it very clear what section is being worked on, and where the functional icons belong to.
  3. The add section button now appears both top and bottom, with a new section being added top or bottom in relation to that section.
  4. In the page editor, the pages panel no longer opens automatically on page open. This has been done to improve admin page load times as well as make it clearer to see everything in the page editor on first load.
  5. Other small bug fixes were implemented.

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