Limecube v7.1.2 | Date of Release - May 12, 2020

v7.1.2 | Released - May 12, 2020

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. There were also small bug fixes throughout.


  • Sites now show in the bottom left corner once logged in what Theme version is being used. This is helpful when reading support articles in case a site does not include some functions only available on newer themes.
  • Improved walkthrough to highlight new functions in the sections.
  • Improvement so that when a blog post is edited or copied for reuse then edited, the blog title in page admin side immediately updates without refresh.
  • Improved UX in multiple small places throughout the Limecube admin area.
  • Header editing changes for the call to action section:
    • radio buttons to switch between phone/url for better UX
    • the telephone field no longer requiring 'tel:' to be inserted to initiate click-to-call
    • both phone and url having their own icon on mobile view only in the header
    • Style editor options for adjusting these icons
  • All element popups having a help icon inserted that opens the applicable article page for easier help when learning about all features in that element.
  • When deleting a page, the warning message now including the page being deleted for completely clarity.
  • The top admin bar was completely redesigned and made more compact to provide more space on the page for editing a site. Other menu items previously on their own row moved into 'More'
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