Google Shopping PPC | Limecube

Google Shopping PPC

With a Google Shopping campaign via Google’s Merchant Center, you can have your ecommerce site product line converted to a search engine-integrated feed made visible to your target customers when they submit the search queries you specify.

Like most SEO campaigns, Google Shopping promotion success depends both on the amount you're willing to bid and how well you’ve optimized the information in your inventory to meet Google's algorithmic standards.

Once you've linked your Google AdWords account to Google Merchant Center, you can use AdWords and Analytics to start a shopping campaign and promote your inventory in a streamlined display Make sure that you use the same email address for Google Analytics, Google Merchant Center, and Google AdWords, this will give you more peace of mind, get you in the right frame to stay organized and be better able to respond to anything of importance on all fronts..

Now, with everything neatly assigned to a single email point of contact,se the pointers below to put yourself in the best position for more Google shopping campaign success

Optimize for Keywords that Indicate Explicit Buying Intent

Just like search engine marketing, the key to building up a strong Google Shopping campaign is to make minor, well-informed improvements based on consistent testing; however, what’s different is an even greater need for focus on specific intent to make a purchase.

Your testing is strongest if it’s not only consistent, but also well-targeted. For stronger ideal customer targeting, aim to optimize for more specific and promising keywords in potential customers’ search queries. If you want traffic to flow into your shopping feed, you’ll naturally want that traffic to be made up of people who are ready to buy what you have. Longer and more descriptive keywords for products are more likely on average to be a sign of buyer intent than shorter ones.

Establish a Target Cost-Per-Acquisition Value

Just like all other search campaigns made possible through Google, you can and should specify the exact bidding limits of your shopping campaign’s distribution. If you have several campaigns running at the same time, the order that Google displays your products in will be based on the priority level and maximum bid amount.

It pays to understand what your ideal customer lifetime value is before you settle on a target CPA. When your customer lifetime value is higher, then you will likely be able to justify a slightly higher CPA to close deals. In addition to lifetime value, another good way to decide on your CPA is to figure out whether the margin created by your average order value (AOV) is enough to justify it.

Think about exactly what it is that you want to sell in the first place. Are you prioritizing selling a high volume of low-cost products, or are you willing to put more effort into selling more expensive products that create a bigger margin in the end? If you’re aiming to sell more expensive products, you might be able to logically justify a higher CPA.

Don’t Leave Out Any Relevant Information in the Merchant Center

When and where your product listing ads (PLAs) show up for potential customers will depend on how well you've built your product feed to show Google’s algorithm what the right search queries to rank it for are. When you sign up for Google Merchant Center to build your shopping feed, you can either manually input the product information with a spreadsheet or you can use a plug-in that takes relevant information from your commerce site automatically.

In addition to providing information about your products, you also must establish accurate shipping rates and tax rates. The product titles should honor Google's 150-character limit while being descriptive enough to tap into buyer intent. Just like text ads, product descriptions should be concise, descriptive of value and contain your target keywords (without any keyword stuffing). As a rule of thumb, be sure to check in with manufacturers about Google Trade Identification Numbers (GTINs/UPCs) if you're reselling their products.

Research Competitors’ Product Listing Ads

Just like SEM, the amount that you should logically bid on any Google Shopping campaign depends on keyword competitiveness. Doing research both on competitors’ product listing ads (PLA) and keyword search volume for your product can give you a good read on the state of supply and demand in your product environment.

Use Google Analytics to Track Click Paths and Browsing Time

Your ad could be the first or last click that a prospect makes before a conversion. With Google Analytics, you can track the path of clicks leading up to any conversion at all. Among other things, Google Analytics can also help you determine the amount of time that customers spend on your website, the bounce rate, and the number of pages viewed per session. The highly contextual data that Google Analytics can give you creates even more specific re-targeting opportunities for stronger Google Merchant Center success.

Takeaway Bullets

  • Optimize for Keywords that Indicate Explicit Buying Intent
  • Establish a Target Cost-Per-Acquisition Value 
  • Don't Leave Out Any Relevant Information in the Merchant Center
  • Research Competitor's Product Listing-Ads
  • Use Google Analytics to Track Click Paths and Browsing Time 

Resources of Note

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